Happy Koolday

Happy 61st birthday to Robert "Kool" Bell, singer, songwriter, bassist and---last, but certainly not least---founding member of Kool and the Gang. Get it, Kool! Celebrate good times, come on, henny! 


Posted on October 8, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

I am in hell.

Otherwise known as a section of Denver that is 1.) a dead zone for my net hub, and 2.) experiencing power outages. Good times! 

I'll hit a random Starbucks when able, however, because I'm here for a friend's wedding and will be busy the next couple of days, posts will be less frequent than what you're used to. My apologies, dahling. 

Amazing how this kind of foolishness still happens in major metropolitan areas. Grrrrrr. 

Thanks for your patience. Back on track in a few days. 

Posted on October 6, 2011 and filed under Announcements, WTF?!?.

Happy Everybodyday

Did you know that October 5th is the most common birthday in the United States? It's true. Google it. 

It falls about nine months after New Years Eve, so I believe that booze has a lot to do with this. Happy birthday, all you products of champagne-soaked coupling. Auld lang syne, betches. 

Clive Barker is among the ranks of the October 5th birthday masses. His parents must've been altered by more than champagne, because Clive's brain works in very gruesome ways.

Clive, you creepy genius, happy birthday. 


Posted on October 5, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

Happy Jackiecollinsday

Jackie Collins is so fabulous that she deserves to be slapped repeatedly until she finally confesses, "OK, OK! I admit it: I am more fabulous than any woman should ever be! I absolutely rule, OK? You can't handle this fabulousness! You can't haaaandlllle iiiiiit. Shut-up! Stop looking at me! F**k you!" 

Clearly, Jackie, we admire you. Happy 74th birthday, betch. 


Posted on October 3, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

Embarrassing Salahi Photo-Op of the Day

This one is seriously cringe-worthy, dahling.  Click here to see a new staged photo of our pal, Tareq Salahi, shopping for... wait for it... electric guitars. Yes, guitars: The exact same instrument his estranged wife's paramour, Neil Schon, plays in the awesome rock band, Journey.

Great idea, Tareq. Perhaps if you learn to play well enough, AND you manage to score a gig playing lead in a wildly-successful, touring rock band, your wife will come back to you. Don't stop believin', sir. 

Oh, Tareq. Ohhhhhh, Tareq. You've gotta stop it, man. You look like an absolute moron. Stop. Go quietly, I say. We implore you. 

Click here to see the pic


Posted on October 4, 2011 and filed under Faux Pas, WTF?!?.

Happy Alsharptonday

Are you or have you ever been: 

1. A licensed and ordained Pentecostal minister at age 10.

2. James Brown's tour manager. 

3. A Baptist minister. 

4. Stabbed in the chest on a schoolyard. 

5. A speaker for Michael Jackson's eulogy.

If you answered yes to all of these, then---congratulations!---you're the Rev. Al Sharpton. You're also 57 today. Happy birthday, good sir! 


Posted on October 3, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

40th Birthday "Tune-Up" at Bair Medical Spa

As promised in the new Fabü, here are the action shots from my 40th birthday visit with Dr. Dean Bair at Bair Medical Spa.

Dr. Bair used injectables (such as Botox) and fillers (like Juvederm) with a very subtle hand, which granted a refreshed, more youthful appearance. Results last anywhere from three months to over a year, depending on the product used. Prices vary, but are widely affordable.

I highly recommend fillers and injectables for anyone who wants to soften wrinkles, creases and fine lines, augment the lips, enhance shallow contours or improve the appearance of recessed scars. 

Bottom line: If you want to get rid of your wrinkles and/or freshen your look, but aren't ready for surgery, this is the treatment for you. It's nearly pain-free (and if I say it is, it IS --- I'm a huge wimp) and has zero down time. Stop hesitating and just DO IT. You'll be so glad you did.

Thanks to Dr. Dean Bair and the friendly, helpful staff at Bair Medical Spa. Thanks to you, forty is, indeed, fabulous!

Treatment photos by Kim Barela
Posted on September 29, 2011 and filed under Beauty, Fabü.


Heidi, the cross-eyed opossum at a German zoo who became an internet sensation (winning three times more Facebook admirers than German Chancellor Angela Merkel) is dead, her zoo said today. She was euthanized to avoid suffering pain from severe arthrosis, a degenerative joint disease. She was three-and-a-half years old.

Auf Wiedersehen, Heidi. Miss you already, pretty girl. 


Posted on September 28, 2011 and filed under R-I-P-.

Way To Go, Florida

Ummm, I'm trying to think of something smarmy to say, but I'm pretty much speechless. This video... ugh... um, BAD.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DxO1cJKhsbc

Posted on September 27, 2011 and filed under Videos, WTF?!?.

Happy Lilwayneday

Happy 29th birthday to Lil Wayne. Look out. Almost time for your dirty thirties, Weezy. It's tough to imagine you getting even dirtier, however. Ovaries don't seem to stand much of a chance with you around as it is, sir. If your twenties are any indication of your potential for dirtiness, then all the young ladies will be dropping like flies in the coming decade. Have mercy on them, Wayne. And wear a condom, for crying out loud. You're knocking up errbody all over the globe. Give some other guys a chance, will ya'? Happy birthday.


Posted on September 27, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

Walter Pandiani Puts a Whore in Church to Shame

OMG... this poor, super-sweaty man.  This is Uruguayan footballer Walter Pandiani, striker for RCD Espanyol. He was clearly a bit nervous during this post-match press conference in Spain. 

Don't have the patience to watch all 8:58 minutes? Can't blame ya'. I'm in your boat. Just speed it up a bit here and there and watch the moisture increase. 


Posted on September 27, 2011 and filed under Videos.