Posts filed under Videos

Test Time!

Please pause and take Ze Frank's "Human Test" (Volume 1 and Volume 2). You'll find lots of great "have you ever...?" questions, designed to cover the scope of human weirdness. You might be surprised by how many questions you answer yes to.

Posted on March 13, 2013 and filed under Videos.

I Have No Words UPDATE --- 1/25/13

No, that's not Pearl. 

Pearl is five months old. 

Five-month-old infants don't stand on chairs, sway in rhythmic motion and deliberately hold their arms in the air like that. If you know of any who do, kindly let me know what they're ingesting, because my kids need some of that. They have choreography to learn. 

Posted on January 22, 2013 and filed under Babies, Videos.

Best Thing of the Day

This might even be the best thing of the month. I can't stop watching it. Laughing so hard. Crying. 

It's not on YouTube, so I can't paste it below; thus, you'll have to click here to see it. 

Enjoy. Heck, it might be the best thing EVER. 

Posted on October 26, 2012 and filed under Videos.

Seven PsychoCATS!

OK, so you've heard about Seven Psychopaths, the supermovie debuting this month. If not, please review the clip below.

Stoked to see this. Give me anything Woody, Walken or Rockwell, and I'm there. 

Anyway, here's Seven PsychoCATS. I think it needs no explanation.!

As always, this post is dedicated to my loving sister, Kelly, who loves talking and/or singing animals. 

Speaking of sisters, my sis Stacie is awesome. She is the new co-anchor on WDAZ News at 5 in Grand Forks, ND. She is not a fan of singing/talking animals, but she is a fan of clowns. 

Posted on October 10, 2012 and filed under Movies, Videos.

The Waiting Game

Forgive the serious lag time between posts. My days are now spent strictly either in bed or at medical appointments.

Babies arriving any day now. Nursery's finished. Hospital bags are packed. We're ready. I'm totally nervous. Mr. Brown's cool as a cucumber. See you soon, twinsies!

Form of an ICE UNICYCLE. That nearly induced labor right there. Five... friggin'... stars. I heart you, Wonder Twins.

Posted on July 22, 2012 and filed under Babies, Videos.