Posts filed under Weather

Monday Items

1. I will not write about Meat Loaf today. I want to. A lot. But I won't. Sigh. Love you SO much, Meat Loaf. 

2. I will write about Frankenstorm, aka Hurricane Sandy. Sending good, good vibes to those in the path. 

3. I will also write about Kev Atlas. Happy birthday, sir. This one's for you.

Posted on October 28, 2012 and filed under Birthdays, Weather.


Baby, it's cold outside.  Current temp: 21°F 

Low tonight: 5°F

The snow and biting wind inspired DJB to don the following ensemble before leaving the house this morning. Seksi, no? 

Posted on December 5, 2011 and filed under Weather.


We've been sans power since 6 p.m. last night.

Winds reached 88 mph.

Mother Nature does NOT play.

Posted on December 1, 2011 and filed under Weather.

Thar She Blows!

Current winds: 43 mph It's howlin' out there, dahling.

No word from Shop & Stroll. Presume it's still on. Not for this girl. 

Super-blustery here at the treehouse. The ponderosas are whipping around. Stuff's hitting the windows. Crazy. 

Mary Poppins is NOT pleased. Moreover, she's a bit spooked. She won't get out of my lap. I'm keeping her safe from the evil wind. 

If it's this loco now, I shudder to think what it's going to be like later tonight if winds do, indeed, reach the predicted 70 mph.

Posted on December 1, 2011 and filed under Weather.

Happy Summer!

It's the first day of summer, dahling. Make it a fabulous one. 


Posted on June 21, 2011 and filed under Weather.

Mimosa Madness!

The wildfire haze is so thick, you can't see the mountains... crazy. However, it no longer smells like a roaring campfire outside, so Miss Poppins and I decided to go for a walk. Good hair day. Wavy pigtails. 

Mary is begging for it. Such pleading, walk-loving eyes. 

Nearly did a cartwheel right in the middle of Ridgecrest when we came upon my favorite tree in full bloom: the Mimosa! 

This lovely Mimosa---in all its pink, puffy-blossomed splendor--earns five stars and the esteemed title of Tree of the Day. 



Posted on June 7, 2011 and filed under Weather.

Craving S'mores?

I am. In a huge way. This is likely because it again smells like Camp Wallowfire outside. That Arizona wildfire is kicking our air quality's ass ova' hurr. 

The Wallow Fire (named after Bear Wallow Wilderness, near where the fire is thought to have started) has now advanced to third place in the Arizona's Largest Wildfire contest. It is zero percent contained. 

If the fire is affecting your area, here's some info you might want to know, courtesy of KASA Fox 2:

  • The thick, smoky haze is going to be in New Mexico for a while and it has caused the Environmental Health Department to issue another health advisory. 
  • It could cause people to have difficulty breathing. 
  • The elderly, infants, people who have asthma or heart disease and even healthy people may also be affected by the haze. 
  • Limit your time outdoors and keep windows and doors closed. 

There will be patio ashes in the morning, fo sho. 



Posted on June 6, 2011 and filed under News, Weather.

Honolulu, San Diego, NYC: Look Out!

If you live in New York City, Honolulu or San Diego, congratulations -- you're in one of the top three "most overdue for a hurricane" cities in America! Fourth and fifth-place runners up: Savannah and Tampa Bay, respectively. 

Tell 'em what they win, Johnny! 



Posted on June 1, 2011 and filed under Weather.

Trip Notes: Nashville Finale, Part II

As promised, the basement footage. [youtube=]

That creepy basement made me want to put the lotion on my skin so I didn't get the hose again. Thanks to the guys for making it as pleasant as possible.

The most unnerving part was the eerie sound of the tornado sirens. Here's some good siren/storm footage from just up the street.


After that, we hauled ass to the airport. Barely made my flight, which surprisingly departed nearly on time. You're a bad-ass town, Nashville. Thanks for having me.

The biggest thanks of all go to this guy:

That's the epitome of bad-ass, right there.

Love you, bro. Thanks for cordially enduring yet another year of April 1 shenanigans.

Until next year...

Posted on April 5, 2011 and filed under Travel, Weather.

Trip Notes: Nashville Finale

Almost didn't make it out of Nashville, kids.

Big storm. Tornadoes (yes, plural). We had to take cover in the frat basement, a.k.a. the creepiest basement EVER.

Needless to say, I got home later than expected.

Lemme get caught up on some work, and then I'll catch you up on everything. Got some good creepy basement video footage for ya'. Will upload asap.

Until then, be fabulous.


Posted on April 4, 2011 and filed under Travel, Weather.

Weekend Edition

Gotta make this quick, kids. Yo tengo very crabby eyes. This leads me to our first topic.

1. At long last, the first day of Spring has arrived. So lovely. So sneeze-inducing. So inspiring. Welcome, spring.

2. Sheen for President

The Huffington Post - Charlie Sheen for President? He may just need to pick a party and, he'd be, duh, winning.

The headline grabbing, now former sitcom star was placed in hypothetical election match ups with President Obama and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin by Public Policy Polling, on behalf of the Wall Street Journal. Whether it says more about the partisan divide or the public's fondness for Sheen, the star had some resounding success in the polls.

When given the choice between Palin and Sheen, Democratic voters choose the Sober Valley Lodge over Wasilla, Alaska; Sheen defeats Palin 44-24 amongst Dems. Similarly, in an Obama vs. Sheen election, Republicans would take the actor 37-28.

Most remarkably, it's not just partisan in some cases; Sheen defeats Palin amongst political independents, 41-36.

Read the rest of the story here.

3. Happy birthday, Fred McFeely Rogers (March 20, 1928 – February 27, 2003... i.e., dead). No wonder he went with Rogers. I imagine McFeely ranks pretty damn high on the list of Worst Children's Show Host Names Ever. Welcome to Mr. McFeely's neighborhood, kids! Ew.


Posted on March 20, 2011 and filed under Birthdays, Celebrities, Weather.


Mary and I went to the park today.

It was so chilly, she had to wear her polar fleece jacket.

The ground was hard and barren.


Then, I noticed a tiny speck of color...

Wow... welcome.

Spring is sooner recognized by plants than by men.  ~Chinese Proverb


Posted on March 9, 2011 and filed under Announcements, Weather.





It's currently - 8° F.

Wish I didn't have to leave the house in 30 minutes, but it's a very important appointment.

Gotta get mah roots done.



Posted on February 3, 2011 and filed under Weather.

Spring is Near!

Considering the fact that it's currently 9°F and my pipes are frozen, it's hard to believe that spring approacheth. Nevertheless, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this morning. This means we only have two more weeks of winter.

Sorry, Phil. Not buyin' it, man.

The National Climatic Data Center says Phil is correct about 40 percent of the time. Just sayin'.

I'm gonna go use my neighbor's toilet now. Awesome.

Happy Groundhog Day.

Posted on February 2, 2011 and filed under News, Weather.