Happy Shelleywintersday

It's Shelley Winters' 91st birthday. Though I wasn't around during her young diva days, I certainly appreciate the fabulousness of it all. I remember her best as that dirty old hag, Lena Gogan, from Pete's Dragon. Here's a clip. Enjoy! 


Posted on August 18, 2011 and filed under Birthdays, Videos.

Jeer of the Day

Thumbs-down to French lingerie label, Jours Apres Lune. Target market: Girls age 4-12.  Yes, a lingerie label for kids. Totally inappropriate!!! Four-year-old children probably shouldn't even know what lingerie IS. They should be in pull-ups, not bras. 

The label's web site (which I won't mention here because I'm already promoting this b.s. enough by mentioning it) shows little girls wearing makeup, up-dos and pearls and---of course---the lingerie. Naturally, I'm not posting any pics. 

This crosses the line. Period.

Posted on August 16, 2011 and filed under Rants/Raves.

Was Coco Chanel a Nazi Spy?

That's what American historian Hal Vaughan contends in his new book, Sleeping with the Enemy: Coco Chanel's Secret Wars. Click here to read more about Vaughan's claims about Chanel. Pretty juicy stuff! 

The House of Chanel, however, says the story is totally bogus. 

Wonder who's telling the truth? 

Posted on August 17, 2011 and filed under Fashion, Scandal!.

Happy Maeday

It's Mae West's birthday 119th, big boy. 


Posted on August 17, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

Potentially Lethal Beauty Treatment of the Day

Microneedle beauty therapy, anyone? It's all the rage in Hong Kong, dahling.  First, the face is covered with topical anesthetic, then massaged with a needle-studded roller. Ow. 

Fans of the treatment claim that the roller-induced microscopic punctures in the skin stimulates collagen production, enhances skin-care product absorption, and battles acne, scarring, wrinkles and cellulite. 

The Hong Kong Consumer Council, however, says there is no scientific evidence to support any of those claims. What's more, they say if the microneedle roller---sometimes called a dermaroller in the U.S.---is improperly sterilized, it exposes users to a high risk of infection of bacteria, fungi and viruses on the needles, including HIV and hepatitis. 

I think I'll have to give this treatment a thumbs-down for obvious reasons. 



Posted on August 16, 2011 and filed under Beauty.

Screaming Example of Gut Instinct of the Day

I don't know about you, but I'm all about the whole 'go with your gut' thing. Fortunately, my mother subscribes to this theory, as well... otherwise, her car would've been a crumpled mess yesterday. 

Some dude on a crime spree in a stolen car parked the car in her office parking lot, then slinked away. Later, he returned to fetch the car... right when the cops were canvassing the area. He leapt out and fled on foot... barefoot, that is... the guy literally ran right out of his shoes. He left the car running and it proceeded to roll across the lot and into some hedges. 

Here's where the gut part kicks in...

Mother parks in the same spot every day. Yesterday, however, she pulled into her spot, then realized there was shade one space over. She backed out and reparked. Still wasn't good enough. She backed out and reparked AGAIN. 

The stolen car crashed no more than six inches from her car. The hoopty ended up right where her car nearly always sits, day after day. The pic above was taken right after the incident, but Mom had already moved her car to the other side of the lot by this point. 

When it all went down, a client from the office came outside, surveyed the damage, turned to my mother and said, "Lady, you'd better go buy a lottery ticket today." 

Cue dramatic music! 


Click here  for the news coverage of this incident. Warning: It's unedited. In other words, it's annoying.

Posted on August 16, 2011 and filed under News.

Happy Madonnaday

Oh. My. Gawwwwd: IT'S MADONNA'S BIRTHDAY!!! This is considered a high holy day in certain circles, dahling. Can you believe she's 53? I certainly can't. She looks IN-credible. And her 24-year-old boy-toy, Brahim Zaibat... helloooo?!? Hotness! Rock on, Madonna. You're fabulous in every single way. We bow and smile. 


Posted on August 16, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

Highway to Drunk

Behold! It's AC/DC: The Wine. Feast your eyes on this rock n' roll wine list, dahling. 

    • AC/DC Back In Black Shiraz 
    • AC/DC You Shook Me All Night Long Moscato 
    • AC/DC Highway To Hell Cabernet Sauvignon 
    • AC/DC Hells Bells Sauvignon Blanc 

What, no Whole Lotta Rosé?!? Booooo! Hiss! I quit.

Sorry, mate; the wine's only available in Australia. If you're desperate for a piece of the latest "what the hell were they thinking?!?" AC/DC merch, put your name on the waiting list for AC/DC Monopoly, which is slated for release on August 30, which happens to be my 40th birthday. That was not a gift hint; seriously. A Slayer Monopoly set, however, is a totally different story. Sadly, though, that doesn't exist. Poo! 

Via Decanter.com


Posted on August 15, 2011 and filed under Music, Products.


The Rocky Mountain Fur Con just ended. Hmmmm.   According to their site

A furry convention, also called a fur con or furry con is a gathering of members of the furry fandom. Furry conventions provide a place for fans to meet and greet, buy items such as artwork and generally hang out and have fun. Rocky Mountain Fur Con, like all furry conventions offer a range of programming, focusing on anthropomorphic art, crafts, music and literature. We also raise money for charities such as the Denver Zoo and animal rescues programs. Often, we dress up at conventions in costumes called Fursuits, which are usually representative of whatever animal we most relate to, or whatever we think will be the most fun and creative!

I'm undecided about the furry verdict. What do you think? 

[polldaddy poll=5423295]

Posted on August 14, 2011 and filed under Events.

Bachmann Wins Iowa Straw Poll

Michelle Bachmann won the Iowa straw poll. No-no-no-no-noooo! 

This woman is an absolute joke, as is her candidacy. We must do everything we can to keep this ignorant racist and homophobic disgrace out of office. 

On a lighter note, the Iowa State Fair Butter Cow received a few write-in votes. Haaaaay! 


Posted on August 14, 2011 and filed under WTF?!?.

Tara Reid's Speed Marriage

Sounds like Tara Reid had an interesting Saturday.  Posted on her Twitter page: 

I just got engaged! 13 Aug

Greece married! 13 Aug

Thank you for all of your support! I love you guys 13 Aug

Love in Greece...I am now a wife :) 13 Aug

Just got married in greece I love being a wife! 21 hours ago

Congratulations, Tara. Greece is the new Vegas... or at least it was on Saturday. Cheers! 

Posted on August 14, 2011 and filed under Celebrities.

Happy Leftie Day!

It's International Lefthanders Day, and you know what that means... PAR-TAY! Southpawtinis for everyone, honey!  Today, lefties around the world gather 'round the Wrong Hand Tree and exchange gifts of scissors, computer mice and golf clubs. Later, they share left-handed compliments while feasting on leftovers. 

The Latin meaning for left is sinistra, AKA sinister; thus, never trust a southpaw. Any invitations to their celebrations today should be politely declined. Should you accept, don't come cryin' to me if things go horribly wrong. 


Posted on August 12, 2011 and filed under Holidays.