Question of the Day

Does anybody else miss the media presence of our redneck crime spree princess, Lee Grace Dougherty?

I do. I miss her as often as I miss Cracker Barrel's hashbrown casserole: Quite frequently.

I miss seeing her smiling face and glazed eyes. I miss her insightful quips. I miss hearing about her dumb-ass, potentially-lethal shenanigans. 

We need a new redneck scandal, pronto. The Salahis and their upper-class social foibles aren't cutting it.

Posted on September 20, 2011 and filed under Scandal!.

Sophia Birthday

Sophia Loren is 77 today, dahling. Rowwwr. Seksiness. Lest we forget, she's quite intelligent, as well. Total package. We adore you, Sophia.


Posted on September 20, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.


Feeling lucky? It might be awful... you never know. On the other hand, it could be fabulous. 

Go ahead and spin, dahling. 

Click here

Posted on September 19, 2011 and filed under Fabroülette.

Salahi Scandal of the Day

According to Tareq Salahi, the family Doberman Pinscher, Rio, has died.  In a statement to TMZ last week, Tareq claimed that Rio---who suffered a heart attack several weeks ago and hasn't been in the best health---had been 'depressed and scared' ever since wife Michaele left home to join Journey guitarist Neal Schon on the road. 

R.I.P., Rio Salahi. Sorry your mom took off with Neil Schon.  

Keep it coming, Salahis. 

(Via TMZ... you might wanna click the link... there are pics... it's not toooo awful, but pretty damn sad.) 


Posted on September 19, 2011 and filed under Scandal!.

Mountain Man Style

Today's activities included a Sandia mountain hike with DJB y los perros. 

It was colder than we anticipated. DJB had one outdoorsy jacket in his truck. Being the gentleman that he is, he offered it to me. I gladly accepted. This left him with only one option: the jacket from his Hugo Boss suit that was in his truck for a Monday drop-off at the dry cleaner. Naturally, being one who doesn't give much of a hell, he promptly donned the jacket. 

Suit jacket, ballcap, Chuck Taylors... oh my. Somewhere, in some other realm, Hunter S. Thompson is smiling. Right here, in this realm, I am STILL laughing. 

Posted on September 18, 2011 and filed under Leisure.

Happy Garboday

Greta Garbo: 106. Fab-u-lous. No need to elaborate.

Posted on September 18, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

Saturday Night Lameness

We totally missed Mother Death Queen at Blackbird last night (Sorry, Cara!). We'll be at the Thursday night show -- see promo above


We did have a lovely early evening dog walk with Dominic of Dead on Point Five, however. Does this mean we still rock? Yes, I totally think it does.

Here's Dom and his band of not-so-merry misfits:

UPDATE (9/19/11): Mother Death Queen will NOT play Thursday, Sept. 22 at Launchpad. Keep ya' posted on upcoming dates. 

Posted on September 18, 2011 and filed under Events, Faux Pas, Music, Videos.

Happy Hankday

  It's birthday #88 for a true artist and legend, Hank Williams, Sr

DJB is very excited about this. Total idol. Thus, he gets to pick the song. Here ya' go.

Posted on September 17, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

Friday Fabü

I’d like to begin this column by showing Albuquerque some love. This city just keeps getting better and better. I realize it has its drawbacks, as well. I, too, would love a pro basketball team and a La Perla boutique, but we must give it time and appreciation. It’s happening. 

With each new fabulous business that appears around here, my love for Albuquerque grows. I’m excited to announce that we have a very fine new addition: Plume (203-B Wellesley SE, 505.490.9407,, a skin care boutique specializing in Dr. Hauschka Skin Care products and services.

Are you rolling around on the floor in a gleeful frenzy? You’re in good company. I seriously did a little jig when I heard about Plume. It’s the only Dr. Hauschka treatment center in Albuquerque and one of two in the entire state. In other words, it’s a big deal.

“Years ago, I read an article about Dr. Hauschka Skin Care,” said Plume owner and esthetician Kathryn Peacock, following a recent treatment. “I was so swept away by the philosophy that I knew I wanted to study with them. I had never seen an esthetician in my life, didn’t even know what one was or did. But I knew I wanted to work with this skin care line.”

Click here to read the rest of the column.

Posted on September 16, 2011 and filed under Fabü.

Skate On!

Steps away from my humble treehouse abode, there's a stretch of road---with a sweet hill---that's temporarily closed. 

DJB and Eric had no choice but to bomb it on their longboards. Rad. 

A man walked by with his old dog in a wagon. So sweet, I nearly cried. Totally would have done that with my dearly departed Django once he could no longer take walks, had he not been so skittish. 

This, my friends, is what we call a lovely morning. 

Posted on September 16, 2011 and filed under Fabulousness.

Salahi Scandal of the Day

  Tareq Salahi has filed for divorce, citing adultery and abandonment... surprise, surprise. 

To add insult to injury, Neil Schon allegedly sent Tareq a picture of a penis. To be more specific, Tareq says in the divorce papers "the paramour [Neal] sent to my email account... an email with an attachment of a penis -- presumably his." 

You know what they say about scorned lovers. And they're not taking any chances at Camp Journey. Security have received strict orders to keep Tareq out of the backstage area for the remainder of the tour, because he has an all-access pass. You see, they were all friends before this love triangle business mucked things up.

Sorry, Tareq. Lost your wife AND your Journey privileges within a few days' time. This is definitely not your week, sir. 

These Journey songs must be so bittersweet for Tareq now... but they're FABULOUS for me to use as icing on the cake! More sad Journey songs! MORE!

Posted on September 16, 2011 and filed under Scandal!.

Mickey Birthday


Embrace the strange genius of Mickey Rourke, who is 55 today.

Posted on September 16, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

For Meghan

Welcome back to the good ol' U.S. of A., Meghan. We missed you. Hell, we still miss you --- you're not here. Thus, this one's for you, sister. You were here in spirit.  Setia brought Thai food over for belated birthday/engagement fabulousness. 

Posted on September 15, 2011 and filed under Fabulousness.

Birthday Irony

  Who better to have a birthday on the day that The Case of the Missing Salahi was cracked than Agatha Christie

Ain't kismet grand?

Just for kicks, let's play a little more Journey. Man, do I love a good scandal! I'm walkin' with a spring in mah step today, henny!

Posted on September 15, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.