This is so awesome. Please enjoy The 100 Greatest Movie Threats of All Time. [youtube=]
The Penalties of Cockiness
Actually, I'm not sure if this is cockiness, craziness or totally wastedness... or all of the above. Monday evening, a Texas man crashed his SUV into another vehicle, then climbed atop the roof of his SUV, stripped naked, got back into the SUV, drove away, then lost control of his vehicle, hit a tree and was declared dead at the scene.
Once again, another shining example that truth is, indeed, stranger than fiction.
Shaq Announces Retirement via Twitter
Shaquille O'Neal just posted the following 15-second video on his Twitter account:
Honolulu, San Diego, NYC: Look Out!
If you live in New York City, Honolulu or San Diego, congratulations -- you're in one of the top three "most overdue for a hurricane" cities in America! Fourth and fifth-place runners up: Savannah and Tampa Bay, respectively.
Tell 'em what they win, Johnny!
Headline of the Day
Happy Birthday, Mr. President
Hell Hath Frozen Over: Berkeley Students Sick of Hippies!!!
According to a Berkeleyside poll of UC Berkeley undergrad and grad students, Berkeley's famed Telegraph Hill area is becoming an undesirable area due to the heavy presence of panhandlers, hecklers, street kids and the homeless. Wow, man... far out... or not, I guess... whatevs. [youtube=]
Dear America: This Totally Sucks!
I might need to move to China, eat pickled frogs and lounge around in antibacterial underwear, because I'm officially über-ashamed of our country right now. Why? Are you ready for this? I'm not sure that you are. Pause and take a deep breath, because you're about to hear some seriously stupid news.
The most-photographed attraction in New York City is......
The Apple store on Fifth Avenue.
Yes, the computer store. Not Rockefeller Center... not Times Square... not Central Park... the g.d. Apple store. Shamefully, shaaaaamefully true.
It feels like somebody stepped on a butterfly inside my heart right now. I'm gonna go barf... or listen to Morrissey... or both. Too bad there isn't a recording of Morrissey barfing. Efficient.
Via TechNews Daily
Ever Wondered What Walmart in China's Like?
Yeah, me neither. Considering how painful the American Walmart experience is, I won't be offended if you don't click here to check out Chinese Walmart. Who the hell cares about Walmart anywhere, right?
Wrong. I wouldn't recommend it if it wasn't fabulous viewing material, so go ahead and click here, dahling.
Disclaimer: I call total b.s. on the Meat Water and Frog Pickles. Photoshop fail. Almost didn't even post the link due to that crap. We'll let it slide, however. The rest of the pics seem to be the real deal... or perhaps I'm a complete moron.
While We Gorged on BBQ this Weekend...
Here's what the Lithuanians were up to: [youtube=]
Non-Shocker of the Day
Glasgow school authorities fear students wearing short, schoolgirl-type skirts could be targeted by pedophiles. Read more here.
Does Moby Have a Point?
Are songs by pop stars like Britney Spears and Ke$ha actually music? Not according to Moby.
In a recent Spinner interview, the 45-year-old DJ/singer-songwriter gave his take on the matter.
"It's fun, but I don't think of it as music," Moby said. "It's manufactured. I appreciate it as a pop culture phenomenon and some of the songs I like if I hear them in a shopping mall or something, but it doesn't function as music for me."
Moby went on to describe what he considers to be true music.
"Music is something that communicates emotion and integrity in a really interesting, direct way," he said. "And when I listen to the pop music you're describing, it's hyper-produced corporate product. That isn't really even a criticism, but I just think calling it music is a misnomer."
Food for thought, Moby.
Happy Brookeday
Holiday Weekend Wrap-Up
Thanks to everyone who fed me this weekend. There was a definite culinary theme among my peeps who held various cookouts: sausage... lots of sausage. I'm seriously waddling now; I am so pregnant with sausage. Seksi, no? Moving on, be glad you didn't spend the last few days around Cocoa Beach, Florida...
Legions of jellyfish called mauve stingers washed ashore from the Atlantic, primarily around Cocoa Beach. As a result, over 400 people suffered stings. Good times!
If you did, however, happen to spend the weekend around Cocoa Beach, please accept my condolences for the jellyfish attack. Sucks to be you.
Whilst taking a leisurely, holiday bicycle ride, I noticed this strange statement tagged on a portable toilet. "Do nothing out of love."
I've a hunch author IMV was dumped or somehow otherwise had his/her heart bruised.
I'm intrigued by the editing. What's up with the less it?
Problems + spray paint = that mess.
Don't listen to crabby ol' IMV, dahling... do everything out of love.
In fact, that's now today's credo:
Do everything out of love.
DJB told me just after posting that the less it is not, in fact, an editorial mark indicating omission, it's simply a shadow on a crease in the Porta-Potty wall; a design feature, if you will.
Who includes ANY design features in a portable toilet? It's a stupid, sh*t-haulin', portable toilet... just let it be that. This totally nullifies my war with IMV. I am pissed about it.
So, let's give that g.d. sage, IMV, credit for providing today's credo: Do nothing less it out of love.
All flowery with the "less it." Probably having Shakespearean fantasies right now. Sophist.
I still don't like IMV. Nevah will! There, I said it.
Happy Ceeday
Happy Memorial Day
LocoToya Birthday
Fab Alert!
Just finished watching Valentino: The Last Emperor. Bravo! Five stars! This stellar documentary details the legendary designer's history and the fashion empire that he and partner, Giancarlo Giammetti, built over 50 years. Netflix it.
Here's the trailer: