Fab Albuquerque Fashion Event!

This swanky, May 26 shindig at Hotel Parq Central (806 Central SE, 505.242.0040) promises to be one of the year’s top chichi events. Bon Fete Fashion for Paws, a silent auction and fashion show benefiting Animal Humane Association of New Mexico, is the brainchild of makeup artist Ashlynne Padilla and boutique owner Monica Vigil. The night begins at 6 p.m. with a silent auction featuring art, pet products, styling services, makeovers, boutique gift certificates and more. Bliss! Next, at 7 p.m., it’s a Moni V’s fashion show (emcee: yours truly) with makeup by Padilla and hair by Inspire salon. Designers include Splendid, Cynthia Vincent and Halston Tickets are available at Moni V’s (112 Amherst SE, 505.255.0148); $25 for general admission and $50 for VIP seating and swag bag. Fifty percent of ticket sales and 100 percent of silent auction funds, benefit Animal Humane Association of New Mexico. For info, call 505.569.0157. 

Posted on May 23, 2011 and filed under Events, Fashion, Help.

Joakim Noah in the GLAAD Hot Seat

Chicago Bulls center, Joakim Noah, is under fire for calling a fan in the stands the same name Kobe Bryant hurled at that playoff game last month. As a result, the NBA fined Noah $50,000. That's half of what Kobe had to shell out for his gaffe. Perhaps Noah received a lighter punishment because his dance moves are so fly. See clip.  [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ3y5hTHuP4]

Posted on May 23, 2011 and filed under Faux Pas, Videos.

Um... WTF?!?

Remember former KISS guitarist, Vinnie Vincent? Yeah, neither does anyone else. Anyhooo.... He's the one in pink up there. Hee.  He's in the clink. Allegedly smacked his wife's face and dragged her through a pile of broken glass. Charming. 

Reportedly, the wife showed up at a Tennessee sheriff's station reeking of booze and covered in blood. She said she'd escaped from the couple's home after an argument turned very sour. 

When cops arrived on scene, they found four dead dogs there... stored in four sealed containers. Whaaat? 

The wife claimed it was because they'd been killed by one of the couple's aggressive dogs. 

Again, charming. 


Posted on May 23, 2011 and filed under WTF?!?.

It's the Male Urban Turban!

Karl Lagerfeld's at it again.  Now, he's pushing the male urban turban. 

At his recent Chanel cruisewear show, Lagerfeld sent his muse, Baptiste Giabiconi, striding down the catwalk in the aforementioned headgear. Click here to see a pic. 

I give it... meh... 2.5 stars. Sorry, Unkle Karl; these urban turbans simply make me think of Jambi. 

via Style Bistro 


Posted on May 22, 2011 and filed under Fashion, Videos.

Ed. Note: Rapture = Judgement

Fabulista Kim B. just corrected me:  [12:16:48 PM] Kimberly B: fyi lol [12:17:00 PM] Kimberly B: may 21 was judgement day and october 21 is rapture

So, because my lazy ass refuses to go back and replace rapture with judgement in previous posts, just go ahead and tackle that task yourself, peeps. Gracias. 

And thanks to you, Kim... you eagle-eyed betch. This one goes out to you: Judgement Day, by D-Devils. It's quite possibly among the most ridiculous things I've witnessed all month. Does this actually qualify as entertainment? My thumb turneth downeth. Sorry, D-Devil fans, but I'm giving it the "oh, hell no" stamp. 


Posted on May 23, 2011 and filed under Editing.

Still Standing

Here's Family Radio's Harold Camping, still standing (or sitting, rather) due to non-rapture.  Yesterday, he opened his door to a reporter and said he was "flabbergasted" that the rapture didn't arrive as predicted. He added that it was "a really tough weekend." 

Noble effort, Mr. Camping. We applaud your vigor. So long, rapture. Bon voyage. 

And, ever since I drafted the title of this post, that damn Elton John song has been stuck in my head. I'd like it to infect yours now, thankyouverymuch. I so forgot how gayer-than-gay this video is. Loves it! 


Posted on May 23, 2011 and filed under Events, Music, News.

Fab Alert!

Let's pause for a moment and admire the uh-mazing color of these walls. You get instantly happy when you walk in this room. Serious color therapy. I must have walls such as these. The white sheers enhance the whole vibe.  Happies! 

Posted on May 21, 2011 and filed under Fab Alert.

Pre-Rapture Pampering

Saturday glory: Fabü spa review for Local iQ magazine. Now I am jello. Fading fast. Gonna stay awake as long as possible. Don't wanna miss anything. 

Posted on May 21, 2011 and filed under Fabü.

Happy T-Day

Happy 59th birthday to Mr. T, a man who is so fabulous, it's foolish. 

Please, please, pleeeease enjoy this 80s fashion show, hosted by T himself. Five stars, without hesitation. 


That T is one smooth betch. I took some notes in case I clam up whilst emceeing the Bon Fete charity fashion show next week. Please attend, if able. Rescued dogs and cats need our help. 

Posted on May 21, 2011 and filed under Birthdays, Events, Fashion, Videos.