Happy Maryjbligeday

Mary J. Blige is 41 today. How amazing is she? A true testament to the power of the human spirit. This woman overcame poverty, abuse, depression and addiction and low self-esteem in order to achieve her full potential. 

We bow and smile, Mary. You are the epitome of what fabulous truly is. 


Posted on January 11, 2012 and filed under Birthdays.

Double-Fab Birthday

Two glorious creatures made their global debuts on this day... 1. Rod Stewart: 67


2. Pat Benatar: 59


Posted on January 10, 2012 and filed under Birthdays.

A Prayer to Saint Rip

Let's take a moment to pay homage to Saint Rip Taylor. We love you, Saint Rip. Please bless us with fabulousness at all times. A thousand thanks. Amen. 


Posted on January 9, 2012 and filed under Fabulousness.

It's a PAW, fool!

(CantonRep.com) -- A hand found Saturday afternoon in Carroll County by a bicyclist most likely is that of a bear, not a human.

Sheriff Dale Williams said the hand was found about 1,000 feet north of Magnolia on state Route 542, near Heritage Road.

“It’s probably a bear, but it looks like a human hand. It really does,” he said.

Stark County Coroner’s investigator Rick Walters concurred, although Coroner P.S. Murthy had not made a ruling as of Sunday night.

He said a bear hand, although different in design, does resemble a human hand.

“We get these all the time, all winter long,” said Walters.

He said most of the time, they are the remnants of a bear hunt. After the bear is cleaned, the hand may get carried off by a dog or wild animal.

“It’s not uncommon at all,” he said.

Click here to read the original story. 


Posted on January 9, 2012 and filed under WTF?!?.

Happy Duchesscatherineday

Happy 30th birthday to the lovely Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

Welcome to your dirty thirties, dahling. 

How's THAT for noble? Jolly good! 


Posted on January 9, 2012 and filed under Birthdays.

Quote of the Day

Any time a man leaves the house in a wig and a pair of cha cha heels, he’s making a political statement. Let us not forget that this great nation was founded by a bunch of men wearing wigs.”


Posted on January 8, 2012 and filed under Headlines & Quotes.

She's Out!

In an effort to help children being bullied, actor Kristy McNichol, 49, has come out of the closet. Yay, Kristy! 


Posted on January 8, 2012 and filed under Announcements.

Happy Williampeterblattyday

Today, Nic Cage is 48. Jeremy Renner is 41. Katie Couric is 55. Hell, Kenny Loggins even has a birthday today; he's 64. 

I choose to place William Peter Blatty in the birthday spotlight. Why? Because he wrote the scariest freakin' book and screenplay of all-time, that's why! 

Mr. Blatty, thank you for your magnum opus, The Exorcist. To this day, there's nothing scarier, hands down. 

By the way, happy 84th birthday. Still going strong. Good work, sir. 


Posted on January 7, 2012 and filed under Birthdays.

Fab Alert!

Norman Wisdom plays Italian gangster hairdresser Giulio Napolitani in 1962's On the Beat http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=U5WT3aqsMmI#!

Posted on January 6, 2012 and filed under Fab Alert.

A Look Back at Absolutely Fabulisa in 2011

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a fabulous 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here's an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 46,000 times in 2011. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 17 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

The busiest day of the year was August 12th, with 4,389 views. 

Click here to see the complete report.

Posted on January 6, 2012 and filed under Fabulousness.

News Snippet of the Day

Jackson said she gave the robber all of the money in the register, but he wanted more.

"He was just saying 'the change too,' cause he had kids," she said.

After that, the robber had an even more unusual request -- hair extensions.

According to a police reporter, Jackson told officers the man said, "My b**** needs some hair extensions, which are the best ones?"

"I was like, really?" said Jackson. "I wanted to laugh, but something was going on and I was in shock. So I was like why are you asking me about the most expensive hair extensions? So I just grabbed any kind for him."

Satisfied with the money -- and the hair -- the robber left.


Posted on January 6, 2012 and filed under News.

Happy Sydbarrettday

It's birthday #66 for Syd Barrett, psychedelic rock pioneer-cum-madman. You're loved and missed, Syd. It's our hope that you're in a much better place.


Posted on January 6, 2012 and filed under Birthdays.