Happy Michaelstipeday

Happy 52nd birthday to Michael Stipe

I'm sorry that the breakup of your band was deemed one of 2011's top "not news" events. 

I'm also sorry that Westword deemed R.E.M.'s breakup "boring." 

I'm sorry you're always battling with Courtney Love. When you're amigas, it's magical. When you're sparring, she talks mad shit about you to the media. Why anyone would befriend that indiscreet trainwreck is beyond me. 

I'm sorry I'm giving you shit. It had to be done. You're still five-star fabulous. 

I'm sorry, Michael... I'm just sorry, sir. 


Posted on January 4, 2012 and filed under Birthdays.

Happy Victoriaprincipalday

Can we have a word about how fabulous Victoria Principal is? 



Happy 62nd, Pamela Barnes Ewing. 


Posted on January 3, 2012 and filed under Birthdays.


Well, at least they managed to last a little over a year. That's far more than Kim and Kris can say.

Russell Brand filed for divorce from Katy Perry. They were married October 23, 2010 in a---you guessed it!---over-the-top, ridiculously-expensive ceremony.

Another celeb marriage bites the dust. Next! 


Posted on December 30, 2011 and filed under Scandal!.