Happy Ending of the Day

Remember the tear-jerking tale of the Russian ginger seal pup who was rejected by its family and community for being different? 

Good news: it has a new home. Joy to the world! 

Originally named Nathan, the pup was rescued and moved to the country's leading aquarium. There, they discovered he was a she and renamed her Nafanya, after a lookalike Soviet-era cartoon character. Now, little Nafanya is reportedly thriving, has a great appetite and enjoys playing with her toys, especially a small, blue ball. 

Best news of all: she has a webcam! You can check out Nafanya in all her blue-eyed, ginger-furred glory daily between 2 and 8 a.m. EST. 

I don't know about you, but I'm a little misty-eyed with happiness. Somebody get me a tissue! 

I'd like to make it clear that while I'm not a fan of keeping wild animals captive, there are certainly exceptions. This seal was a guaranteed goner if she was left to fend for herself. Poor little lady. I'm glad she was rescued. 


Posted on November 29, 2011 and filed under Announcements, Fabulousness, Help.

Speaking of Cakes...

Whenever you make or purchase a cake, please do your best to ensure someone's name is on it. Regardless of the occasion, cakes are always better with names on them. 

Case in point: dinner at Setia's house a few nights ago. That was the occasion: simply friends meeting for dinner. They whipped up a tasty meal. We provided dessert. 

The look on his face when he saw his name on that cake: très adorbs. 

Try this. I think you'll agree that it absolutely needs to become a new dessert mandate. 

Posted on November 28, 2011 and filed under Fabulousness.

Mea Culpa!

Three weeks later...

I totally forgot to let you know that, YES, I was able to remove the Bali green from my hair. 

It was a two-part process: 

1. Vinegar and lemon juice.

2. You'll have to wait for part two. 

That's right, friends: it's more wait-time for the ridiculously drawn-out saga of the green hair fiasco. 

Part two will be fun. You'll see. I'll try not to take three more weeks with this one. 

Posted on November 28, 2011 and filed under Announcements.

Fab Alert!

Anthropomorphic fabulousness! Well-dressed Animals, a series of illustrations from the Berkley Illustration Etsy shop. I especially enjoy the vignettes that accompany each piece. 

Betty the squirrel is still occasionally recognized on the street from her days as a folk musician. Many years ago she played guitar and tambourine for a fairly successful folk trio. She is still playing music but now her main audience are her five grandchildren. She loves writing a new song for each one on their birthday.

Because of his tiny stature, this pygmy marmoset learned from an early age that all of his pants would need hemming. He became so good at tailoring, in fact, he now runs the most exclusive alteration business in town. He gives discounts to most executive birds of prey to keep himself on their good side.

After earning every traditionally available merit badge, this Scout Bear decided to start making her own. As a result, she may be the only scout in the world with a badge for "Cape Making" and the specialty category of "Robot Dancing".

Everyone knows that Koalas love Eucalyptus, but this Koala took his passion to a whole new level. He turns the leaves into beautiful origami sculptures. You'll never find his intricate work in a gallery, however. He prefers leaving the pieces behind trees and floating down streams.

Posted on November 28, 2011 and filed under Fab Alert.

Happy Annanicoleday

Oh, Anna Nicole Smith... we miss you terribly! Happy 44th birthday, dahling. Hope you're feeling better, wherever you are.


Posted on November 28, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

Happy Ricardoandzachday

I couldn't decide who to put in the birthday spotlight today, so I held a vote among myself and Mary Poppins. It was a tie. 

Ricardo Montalban: 91


My awesome brother, Zach: 23

Posted on November 25, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

Happy Black Friday

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=T-K7xDHAfdA Here's the melee today at Walmart in Porter Ranch, CA.

I'm not stepping foot out my damn door until I depart this evening for a dinner party. 

Posted on November 25, 2011 and filed under Holidays.

Happy Snookiday

It was her or Miley Cyrus. Whaddya gonna do? 

Happy 24th, Snooki. Stay classy.


Posted on November 23, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

Happy Rodneydangerfieldday

We love and miss you, Rodney Dangerfield. Happy 90th birthday.

Your gravestone is one of the best things I've ever seen. Kudos, sir.


Posted on November 22, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

More Owl News

Naturally, Molla, the Italian baby Screech Owl from the video posted this morn, has a Facebook page now. 

Though I want to launch into a tirade, whenever I think of that owl, I'm unable to feel any anger or criticism. Instead, my mind is filled with images of puffy cuteness. It's not OK.

Posted on November 21, 2011 and filed under Fabulousness.

Happy Björkday

Björk is 46. Happy birthday, you kooky bitch. You're quite fabulous. 


Posted on November 21, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

Fab Alert!

The Christian Louboutin Barbie Shoe Collection. Nine pairs of sassy, teeny-tiny Christian Louboutin shoes---complete with shoe boxes and bags---for Barbie's bountiful wardrobe. Around $65.

Posted on November 21, 2011 and filed under Fab Alert, Fashion.