Happy Boderekday

Happy 55th birthday to Mary Cathleen Collins, a.k.a. Bo Derek

Her dossier reads like a rollercoaster ride...

Sex symbol: fabulous. Up

Acting: meh. Down

At age 16, she stole Linda Evans' husband, director John Derek, who was 30 years her senior. They fled to Germany to avoid John being charged with statutory rape under U.S. law due to Bo tender age. They returned to America shortly after her 18th birthday, married and remained that way 'til 1998. Since 2002, she's been with actor John Corbett. Yes, Aidan from Sex and the City, among other huge roles. Husband-stealing: down. Corbett: up. 

Conservative Republican who was a staunch Bush (both H.W. and W.) supporter. Dowwwn. 

Just my humble opinion, dahling. 


Posted on November 20, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.

Friday Fabü

Often, I have to be coaxed out of Nob Hill and Downtown. When I received a tip about a great new West Side clinic, I knew what I had to do. I packed some beef jerky, my fab hiking boots (that I swore I’d use regularly but have only worn once) and a compass, and headed west. My destination: Beauty in Wellness (8631-D Golf Course NW, 505.792.1101, trumedicine.com).

About 17 minutes later (in lunchtime traffic, mind you), I was face-to-face with clinic founder Dr. J. Marcus Trujillo. Seriously, it was less than 20 minutes; sometimes it takes me that long just to get from Nob Hill Bar & Grill to Launchpad on a Friday night. This drive was totally painless: I-25 to Paseo to Golf Course … bam-bam-bam … donezo. I thereby solemnly swore to embrace West Side drives from that moment on. Piece of cake.

Eastern health principles meet Western aesthetics at Beauty in Wellness. It’s a full-scope acupuncture and herbal clinic specializing in cosmetic treatments, including facial rejuvenation, breast reduction/enlargement and body sculpting. Using needles, massage, moxa (heat), electrical stimulation and more, Trujillo’s treatments aren’t what many of us are accustomed to experiencing. Here’s the really cool thing about it, though: While you’re getting that breast enhancement treatment, for example, you’re also helping to detox your liver. How? I’ll let Dr. Trujillo — a very gifted and informative conversationalist, who I genuinely enjoyed chatting with — do the talking. He explains it much better than I ever could.

Click here to read the rest of the column.

Posted on November 18, 2011 and filed under Fabü.

Head Shave of the Day

DJB shaved Meghan's head today. Meghan returns to Austin tomorrow. Cali turns 40 tomorrow... in Austin. Meghan is his present. Bon voyage, Meghan. Thanks for holding down the fort.

Somebody here looks like Jeremy Piven, and it isn't Meghan. Just sayin'. 

Posted on November 18, 2011 and filed under Beauty, Fabulousness.

Happy Kirkhammettday

Kirk Hammett is 49 today. 

It's the precipice, Kirk. Please continue to be fabulous at all times, and you likely won't suffer any mid-life crap. You're Kirk Hammett, for Odin's sake; you'll always be young and fabulous. 

It would be cool to have Kirk Hammett as your grandpa. 

Speaking of grandpas, I lost my first grandparent today. R.I.P., sir. We weren't close, but he was a good man. He donated his body to science, which is awesome. 


Posted on November 18, 2011 and filed under Birthdays, R-I-P-, Videos.

You Might Be Impressed

Tonight, I made oatmeal cookies from scratch. I dumped trail mix into the batter. You might need to try this recipe. It's pretty damn delicious.

It's the time of year where warm, fresh cookies are highly apropos. 

I also just returned from Bali and can't stop eating fattening American fare. 

Jonathan Rockwell is going to weep when he sees me. Seriously. 

Posted on November 17, 2011 and filed under Fabulousness, Health/Fitness.

Putting the 'Ho' in Holiday

There's something you really need to know: on December 10th, during Santacon San Francisco, they're going to establish a world record for the largest gathering of naked Santas

From the press release: 

You may ask, "Why NAKED?"

Well, there's plenty of other Santa records...like:

* Largest gathering of Santas * Largest gathering of Elves * Largest Secret Santa gifting group * blah blah blah

San Francisco has a long tradition of people being naked in public. Heck, it's almost required when we have a large group of people get together in our fair city...

So, since Santacon will again be a HUGE gathering of Santas and San Francisco damn well better be the BEST at EVERYTHING, then let's do this!

The day before Santacon, Dec. 9th, we'll announce the location for this World Record Attempt and it will be somewhere central to the "official" routes for all you Santas. If you want to go down in history, BE THERE AND GET READY!

Here's the rules:

* You have to be naked, but CAN and SHOULD be at least wearing a Santa hat. Boots/boot covers and gloves are also OK. Otherwise, it's Full Monty or nuthin' * No Elves, No Reindeer, etc. We LOVE all Santacon revellers, but Guinness will be strict about the "Santa" requirement. * You'll have to sign some paperwork with your name, address and email and OK us to take your photo, that's part of the Guinness rules too.

Posted on November 17, 2011 and filed under Events.

Bali Trip Notes: Loose Ends

A few final things before wrapping up the Bali adventure coverage.  1. This betch wins for her dedication to inappropriate footwear. Heels at the Sacred Monkey Forest of Padangtegal. Win. 

2. Two-for-one daquiris. Period. 

3. Untitled

4. Matchy-matchy in Taiwan

5. More Balinese street art

Posted on November 17, 2011 and filed under Travel.


Finally fell asleep pushing 4 a.m. 

Needless to say, it's a foggy kind of day. 

Posted on November 17, 2011 and filed under Travel.


Before we were literally home again, home again, however, DJB had to have Frontier. Immediately. We went to Frontier restaurant before we even went home. I had yet another cheeseburger. And a milkshake. Trainer extraordinaire Jonathan Rockwell is going to kill me. I'm schlubby. Beach soft and well-fed, that's me. 

I'd like to thank the flash on my camera for pairing up so fabulously with the reflective strip on DJB's jacket. The red, glowing eyes + the illuminated jacket  = evil Tron visits the diner. Pimp! 

Posted on November 16, 2011 and filed under Travel.

We're Stateside

We've safely arrived in Los Angeles.

DJB is splayed out on our hotel bed, enjoying American television. 

I'm reveling in high-speed internet heaven. After two weeks of very slow to nonexistent internet, I'm now giddy with excitement. Clickclickclickclickclick! Wheeeee!

Food delivery arrives soon. We couldn't decide between pizza or cheeseburgers, so we ordered both. Needless to say, we're ready for some greasy American fare. 

Back in Albuquerque tomorrow night. 

Posted on November 15, 2011 and filed under Travel.