Friday Fabü -- Saturday Edition

Totally spaced yesterday's Fabü post. Here ya' go.

Now hear this: The next person who gives me a hard time for saying “EDo” is going to get slapped with whichever oh-so-fabulous handbag I’m carrying at the time of said offense. There are others like me who share this sentiment, too; and in the immortal words of the ever-glamorous Dee Snider, we’re not gonna take it anymore.

I heart EDo. It’s fun to say EDo. What else are you going to call it? “Hey, let’s go shopping in the neighborhood centered around Central and Broadway on the east side of the railroad tracks, bounded roughly by the railroad tracks on the west, with I-25 on the east, Coal on the south and Martin Luther King Avenue on the north.” I think not. Just say EDo, OK? Get over it.

If you crave a satisfying little nosh-and-shop excursion with a bit of pampering on the side, get your sassy frass to EDo. It’s all there… literally… there’s one address: 600 Central SE (between Walter and High Streets, respectively). Viva convenience!

Click here to read the rest of the column.

Posted on March 26, 2011 and filed under Fabü.