

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.

-Douglas Adams

Posted on February 24, 2013 and filed under Credo.

Shea of the Day

sdb 2.13.08 My grandmother sent this super-cute pic of Shea. She always pastes little comments on her pictures. Such a sweet, grandmotherly thing to do. 

Posted on February 18, 2013 and filed under Babies.

Berkeley Pearl

Berkeley Pearl She might be crunchy, but she's no Telegraph Ave. panhandler.  Nay, she couldn't be further from a scruffy underachiever. She is, in fact, a Buddhist Studies professor at UC Berkeley. She enjoys travel, yoga, upcycling and vegan cooking. 

Posted on February 14, 2013 and filed under Babies.

For Your Lunchbox

STACKED Wines Not your kid's lunchbox. Nooooo. Don't want no CPS visits. 

I just used a double-negative and can't just let it be there and know that my intelligent (and, of course, fabulous) readers will presume it's deliberate. I have to directly state that it's deliberate. I don't really use double-negatives! I don't! I'm just trying to be witty. And I'm stereotyping. Because those who put wine in their kids' lunchboxes likely aren't strangers to CPS... and double-negatives. Oh, c'mon---you know it's true. Maybe not wine, though... more like malt liquor? Hell, I don't know. I guess I need to work on my stereotyping. There's one for the to-do list. Send... overdue... holiday... gift... thank-you... notes. Compile... baby... albums. Work... on... sterotyping. Take... Volvo... for... oil... change. 

I digress. 

This is for your lunchbox, dahling. From STACKED Wines: Single servings of vino, prepackaged in sealed plastic glasses. 

Five stars. This screams summertime croquet match in the park! Don't give me no flack for loving croquet, either. Intentional double-negative. 

*NOTE: Although you should absolutely should watch this whole clip, if you don't have time, just hit the one minute mark.


Posted on January 24, 2013 and filed under Booze, Fabulousness, Products.

I Have No Words UPDATE --- 1/25/13

No, that's not Pearl. 

Pearl is five months old. 

Five-month-old infants don't stand on chairs, sway in rhythmic motion and deliberately hold their arms in the air like that. If you know of any who do, kindly let me know what they're ingesting, because my kids need some of that. They have choreography to learn. 

Posted on January 22, 2013 and filed under Babies, Videos.

Best Funeral Ever!

Please tell me you've had the pleasure of experiencing TLC's Best Funeral Ever. Please.  Recently, Best Funeral Ever was followed by Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. I decided to watch that, too. Here's my synopsis: TLC is no longer the learning channel, it's a sadistic pusher of asinine, guilty-pleasure programming that does not, in fact, involve much learning at all... and I loooove it. I watched those shows with such delight that it's probably not OK. I'll watch them again, too. Help me. 

Best Funeral Ever is totally my new favorite show.

Posted on January 17, 2013 and filed under Entertainment, Morons.

Fab Alert!

jeni's influenza sorbet Influenza Sorbet by Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams. Kick ass! 

Cayenne pepper, ginger, Maker's Mark bourbon, honey, and cold- and flu-fighting orange and lemon juices. Cures whatever ails you.

Says Jeni via her site

“This is our flu-season fix. It’s proven to clear nasal passages, ease a sore throat, and soothe the body. It’s modeled on the home remedy my mother and grandmother made when anyone in the family was under the weather. Sniffles, aches, and fevers meant one thing: a mug of hot whiskey with honey and lemon juice, then straight to bed.”

Posted on January 15, 2013 and filed under Fab Alert.



I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.

Dalai Lama

Posted on January 15, 2013 and filed under Credo.