Posts tagged #Dead or Alive

Happy Peteburnsday

No, that is not a pic of Cher, freshly post-op from a regular tune-up. It's Pete Burns

Don't know who Pete is? You might recognize him from this old pic.

Yes, he is the founder of 80s sensation, Dead or Alive. Now, his job is to be fabulous and get waaaaay too much plastic surgery. 

Pete, I am crazy about you. Happy 52nd birthday. You are among my favorite freakies. You make the world a better place for people like me, dahling.

I think Pete expressed his plastic surgery affinity best in his Daily Mail interview earlier this year: "People redecorate their homes every few years. I see this as no different," he said. "Changing my face is like buying a new sofa."

You are a high-ranking member of my so-fab-I-wanna-slap-you club, Pete. I would, however---for obvious reasons---refrain from slapping you. Don't wanna cause any shifting or divots, girl. 

Happy birthday, Pete Burns! Much love! 


Posted on August 5, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.