Posts tagged #Bo Derek

Happy Boderekday

Happy 55th birthday to Mary Cathleen Collins, a.k.a. Bo Derek

Her dossier reads like a rollercoaster ride...

Sex symbol: fabulous. Up

Acting: meh. Down

At age 16, she stole Linda Evans' husband, director John Derek, who was 30 years her senior. They fled to Germany to avoid John being charged with statutory rape under U.S. law due to Bo tender age. They returned to America shortly after her 18th birthday, married and remained that way 'til 1998. Since 2002, she's been with actor John Corbett. Yes, Aidan from Sex and the City, among other huge roles. Husband-stealing: down. Corbett: up. 

Conservative Republican who was a staunch Bush (both H.W. and W.) supporter. Dowwwn. 

Just my humble opinion, dahling.

Posted on November 20, 2011 and filed under Birthdays.