Trip Notes: Nashville - Day One

I tagged Zach's car this afternoon. Poor kid can't catch a break.

We grabbed some ultra-delish lunch at Nashville's best funky chicken haunt, McDougal's. Eclectic decor deluxe, including this boar-ing ensemble.

Next stop, Vanderbilt campus. Gorgeous. My pics turned out lame. Will take more when we return there Monday.

Here's the frat-tastic pad that Zach and his boys call home.

They seriously need to cancel their Wall Street Journal subscription.

Quality artwork here at Chez Frat. Kinda dig the way my camera flash gave the donkey a bionic eye effect. Winner!

Now, I'm prepping for another debaucherous night with the April Fool King and his bros.

Give me strength.

Posted on April 1, 2011 and filed under Travel.