Hell hath frozen over.
I took the Meatless Monday pledge.
I'm starting each week on a healthy, environmentally friendly, meat-free note.
I eat too much damn meat. Over it.
After taking the pledge, I excitedly scrawled "Meatless Monday!" on my jumbo desk calendar inside each week's Monday box.
D'oh! Got a little too excited. Sunday is the new Monday, dahling. God bless correction fluid.
Now I have that wretched Bangles song stuck in my head.
It's just another meatless Mondaaaaay. Ohhh-whoa. Wish it was Sundaaaay. Ohhh-whoa. CuzthenIwouldn'thaveusedupanentirebottleofcorrectionfluiiiiiid. Ohhh-whoa.